Marching Band & Colorguard is one of the greatest things at Sherwood HS your students can do. Students have four years and then opportunities like this disappear forever. Come join our marching band and colorguard family!
❒ TO DO - Registration - Student/Family Informationlink Before you begin the questionnaire you will need your student’s six-digit Sherwood School District ID number. This number is how we identify your student in the band program’s database.
❒ TO DO - Student Measurements link It's important that all students - even returning marching band students - provide their current measurements. You will need a fabric tape measure, current weight and current height before you begin.
❒ TO DO - Sign up for a uniform fitting timelink Uniform fittings will be on August 15, at that time each student will try on their uniform to fine-tune the fit.
❒ TO DO - Annual Release Document This electronic form will be emailed within two days of our receiving your student/family info. This document will request your permission relating to the following topics: 1) Medical 2) Travel 3) Photographs 4) Uniform Care 5) Liability. Information you will need to complete this form: 1) Name and group # of student’s health insurance 2) Name & phone of Student’s Physician 3) Allergies or other health concerns 4) Prescription medications that your student is taking.
❒ TO DO - Order Band Camp Supplieslink-Available two days after we receive your Student/Family info. If this is your FIRST TIME logging into your secure Charms portal, the DEFAULT password is your student's Sherwood school district ID. If you are not a first time user but have forgotten the password you chose, email [email protected] to request that your password be reset back to the default (SSD ID).
Items necessary for band camp do not need to be purchased through the Boosters. However, as a convenience to you, we offer the opportunity to purchase items will be available through June 30 via the Charms online store with PayPal or a credit card. If you have more than one student in the program, place one order containing supplies for both students. Your order will be available to pick up on August 15, which is uniform fitting day in the high school band room.
❒ TO DO - Parent Volunteer Needs link The marching band season would not be possible without the help of parents. Each parent is asked to contribute at least 10 volunteer hours throughout the season. Please consider selecting your volunteer spots now.
❒ TO DO - Annual Sherwood School District Volunteer Background Check -Available July 1link The annual Sherwood School District background check for the 2020-21 school year will be available starting July 1.