What is a more worthy cause than ensuring children have access to musical instruments?
Sherwood High School Band Booster Club (a 501(c)(3) organization) is seeking donors and sponsors for our Save the Music program, which will enable replacement of instruments that are more than 30 years old, and can no longer be repaired or tuned. School districts nationwide cut funding to music programs decades ago, leaving band programs without options to replace school owned instruments.
The Sherwood Band Booster Club is seeking donors and sponsors to help fund our Save the Music program. Our mission is to keep instruments in our children’s hands!
There are two paths to support this fundraiser:
* Recommended Donations and Sponsorships All donors and sponsors over $500 will have their names placed on a permanent monument located at Sherwood High School for all to see. Donate or sponsor on this page OR mail checks to the address listed above. Please mark checks: ATTN: Instrument Fundraising |
$100,000 Goal